
Welcome to Mawano Dental Clinic. We strive to provide you with the best dental care by exercising and practicing the highest standards in quality, infection control and treatment.

We pride ourselves in providing the best dental care to whomever comes through our doors, young or old.

So bring in your children..... We would love to see them. ''Jajja''s are welcome as well.

Feel free to contact us for an appointment and our friendly dental team will be waiting to help you with whatever dental inquiry you might have

Tel: 041 4344 787 | 0772 415 657| 0777 723 489 

E-mail: appointments@mawanodental.com

Plot 59, Buganda Road

Kampala, Uganda.



MON-FRI:    7:30AM-5:00PM

SATURDAY:  8:00AM-3:00PM


TEL:  041 4344 787 | 0772 415 657 | 0777 723 489 

Email: info@mawanodental.com


"Dentistry as Ministry"