How we begun:
The birth of Mawano dental Clinic begun several years ago in 1992 albeit in a different location and name. Dr Deo Mawano and Mrs Beatrice Mawano had ventured into private dental practice as a way to use the clinical skills they had to make ends meet.
Dr Deo Mawano had just finished dental school and together with his wife set up a private practice in Nankulaybe, Uganda. Having very few finances available, they managed to buy a previously owned dental chair and a few dental supplies to start of with. This were hard times for them and only good honest work was what kept the clients coming back and referring others.
Eventually, as months passed by and turned into years, the private practice grew and more clinical staff were hired to serve the growing number of clients. This however ,was not to be the epitome. Opportunity arose that saw Dr Deo Mawano and Mrs Beatrice Mawano leave the private practice that they had work so hard to setup and move to set up another. This new location offered access to broader and higher spectrum of clientele for a potential dental private practice. It however had to be established. so Dr Deo Mawano decided to spend half of his time of the work-week in the old practice and the rest of it in the new practice. This way he would not have felt like he had abandoned his old clients. Even though this was a grueling way of work it was a necessary way to work in order for the new practice to run and the ethos of good honest work still reigned.
Once the new practice had been established , the old practice was given to the clinicians
Who were employed by to run. The husband and wife team of Dr Deo Mawano and Mrs Beatrice Mawano continued to work tirelessly to ensure the growth of the new dental practice. Success resulted in the growth of the clinic with its patient numbers and staff. However with the confined rented space they were in this soon became started slow down the clinic's growth. Thus the birth of Mawano Dental Clinic.
With the establishment of Mawano Dental Clinic we hope to cater to all our patients dental needs but not forgetting the ethos of good honest work that brought us to this point.